Dok cerita pasal kaktek perasan muda kat sini..... tergerak nak baca lebih lanjut kenapa Asian nampak lebih muda dari bangsa lain.....
Paling ketara ketuaan mereka yang kak tek perasan , tang mata yg habis kedut walaupun baru masuk 30an.
Facial Fat Could Make Asians Always Look Younger
Some experts believe that Asians have a younger appearance because they do not wrinkle as early as other races. This is largely due to the location of fat in the face, as it differs to the location of fat in the faces of other races. For example, Asians have more fatty tissue around the eyes, and this prevents them from getting crows feet as soon as other races tend to.
Facial fat located in around the mouth also contribute to the younger look, as this also keeps Asians from getting those laugh lines that the rest of us tend to get fairly early. Asians, like other races, do eventually start to wrinkle – it just takes more years.
Skin Tone Could Make Asians Always Look Younger
There are also experts that believe that the actual tone of Asian skin plays a role in how young these people look. While Asian skin can still be damaged by the sun, it isn’t as susceptible to the sun as white skin. The actual coloring and texture of the skin also contributes to the younger look. Asians have naturally smooth skin, and this makes the skin look younger as well.
Facial Features Could Make Asians Always Look Younger
Some people think that it is the actual facial features that contribute to the young look more than anything else for Asians. The slant of the eyes, thinner lips, higher cheekbones and shorter foreheads do actually take the look of years away.
sumber dari
YOK makan makan makannnn!!!!!... bagi lagi tembam lagi kurang nampak kedut...
Salam AB (you bukan I)
*laga pipi kejap*
Cuaca tak menentu juga boleh krepotkan kulit (lbh pada penduduk yg alami 4 musim).
dia ada buat research here in the states on identical twins bila diaorang dah tua. What they found is that yang slightly overweight twin nampak 10 year younger than their skinny twin. hehehe. tapi kalau terlebih sangat, the effect would be gone. So, untuk nampak muda, be overweight, but not too much. hahahaha.
Sebernarnya, I realized this younger looking gene also happened to other cultures (African-american & latin american too). I think lagi gelap kulit, lagi lambat kedut.
Caucasian jer yang cepat tua. Sun damage sangat la ketara. Lagi-lagi kalau ada anak. I pergi my spouse punya high school reunion; muka classmate dia yang ada anak dengan yang takde anak macam day and night. Tapi cuma applicable to the girls. Yang takde anak muka so fresh & youthful, yang ada anak muka 5-6 years older than their peers. yikes.
time kasih kak tek ckp saya muka muda..
*sy masuk kategori asian + isi terlebih sudah...;)
wassalam CS.. (u bukan i)..
sebab sini kering... iye kulit i cepat kedut..huwaaa....
T, sebab tu caucasian ni gembar-gemburkan putih tu cantik... semua org nk putih sebab they all tau kelemahan they all cepat tua... kira cover line le tu...
jeet.. iyelah... kaktek nampak ko macam 15 tawun gitew.....
yea gitew kan en_me...kan kan kannn.....
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